Robert Mapplethorpe – A Perfectionist
Kunsthal, Rotterdam
May 9, 2017
Robert Mapplethorpe – A Perfectionist
The life and work of Robert Mapplethorpe (1946-1989) was presented in a large-scale retrospective. More than 200 photographs and objects represents his vision on portraits, selfportraits, nudes and still life.
He was rather controversial in his time, and maybe still so, because of his homo-erotic works and fascination with sexual fetishism. But he was always looking for prefection in any way or as he called it: perfection in form. Not only in black nude models, but also in photographs of flowers.
It is obvious that Mapplethorpe was influenced by artist and photographer George Dureau.
Most famous photographs are portraits of his first model, his muse and pop artist Patti Smith, but he also made beautiful portraits of Deborah Harry, Andy Warhol, Grace Jones, Iggy Pop and many more.
Robert Mapplethorpe died in 1989 at the age of 42 due to complications from aids.